Tired of watching other couples have the connection you want? 

Ready for a journey of discovery, reconnection,and elevation with your love?

Tired of watching other couples have the connection

YOU want?

Ready for a journey of discovery, reconnection,

and elevation with your love?


Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program

A 3-Month Experience for Married Couples Looking to Heal the Hurt, Rebuild their Relationship, and Pursue their Purpose through a Journey of Reconnection, Discovery, and Elevation.

No, Not just another marriage program...

But an intimate couple's experience using proven methods and solutions for...

Ambitious couples married 5, 10, or even 15 years to go from:

Stuck in a state of avoidance, carrying years of built up resentment, just surviving a tense home and relationship to breaking all mental and emotional barriers, completely releasing the past, and cultivating a safe, inviting, secure relationship.

Avoiding uncomfortable conversations, feeling misunderstood and completely disconnected, unsure of the future of the marriage to experiencing a completely fresh start, discovering more about one another on a deeper, more vulnerable level, and falling in love all over again.

Living like roommates, chasing separate goals and visions, and feeling spiritually stagnant to cultivating a tighter bond and genuine friendship, working like a power team, sharing their purpose-filled vision, while spiritually, creatively, growing and expanding interpersonally and as a couple.

So, if doing something different for your marriage has been on your mind for a while, then it probably means…

You’ve likely read several books and watched countless podcasts episodes on how to improve your relationship... but you've also likely found that the quick tips and blanket advice only works for a few days or weeks before things go back to the way they were.

Which of these sounds most familiar?

You’ve tried "talking things out” yourselves over and over again...

But, the conversations seem to always go in endless circles, and all you end up doing is walking away, feeling defeated once again.

You've attended a few counseling sessions...

And you quickly realized it isn't the best approach for you and your spouse, or you want more for your marriage than just weekly sessions.

You've tried getting counsel from other couples you know...

But, they love you so much - they end up giving you biased advice.

You've created plan after plan to follow together...

While it works for a week or two, you find yourselves right back where you started because there's no real accountability.

You've tried having hard conversations...

But because there's too much hurt from the past that hasn't been properly addressed or healed from, moving forward seems close to impossible.

If any of these resonates with you, it likely means...

You want to have more emotional and physical intimacy, more peace in the home, and a relationship that's safe and secure...

But you're frustrated from trying so many different things and nothing has worked, you don't even know where to start.

You want to set a replicable example of a Godly marriage for your children...

But the idea of them repeating what they've been seeing at home doesn't let you sleep.

You know your marriage was meant for more passion, purpose, and success than what it is right now...

But you're so far from where you want to be, you'd rather avoid feeling disappointed by thinking about it.

So, what's the BIG secret?

By now, you've probably thought to yourself...

"What do all these other couples have that we don't?"

Or worse... 

"Did I marry the wrong person?"

[You’re not the only one.]

Driving around the house after work just to avoid the tension with your spouse inside...

...scrolling through Reels and Shorts just for inspiration to stay in the relationship...

...all while posting selfies and pictures of your last night out...

...feeling frustrated knowing you're living in the same house, building your lives separately, drawing more and more apart...

When in reality you feel empty - going to bed night after night, week after week, feeling more unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled.

Similar to you...

We wanted so badly to have an intimate and powerful bond and give our children an example of a Godly Marriage they'd grow up and want to replicate...

But the reality of our relationship, then, wasn't worth replicating.

[X] Walking around the house avoiding each other for days at a time after an argument.

[X] Not trusting each other enough to be open, honest, or transparent about anything.

[X] Desiring a tighter friendship but not knowing how to get rid of the tension in the house to experience one.

[X] Communication issues about parenting, money, and anything else.

[X] Unsatisfied with the example we were giving our children and family.

You name it.

Not so IG worthy, right? Mhm.

But we went through an interesting journey of deeper discovery, reconnection, and spiritual expansion that changed everything for us.

We never thought those years of trials and tribulation would lead us to the process that'd take all the guesswork out of…

-- Communicating in a way that feels good.

-- Healing from the past and actually moving forward.

-- Having open, difficult, and transparent conversations.

-- Deeper emotional and physical intimacy.

-- Experiencing a real friendship and true bond.

-- Building a stronger future for our family, together.

-- Feeling safe and secure enough to be our complete selves, flaws and all.

-- Being comfortable about talking about uncomfortable things.

-- Operating in our purpose-filled vision both as a team and individually.

-- Feeling prioritized, meeting each others’ needs and desires.

Now, here’s the thing...

We didn’t do this by diving deeper and deeper into our past.

And (shocking, but) we didn't invest any time into gaining new communication tools or conflict resolution skills.

We didn't use traditional methods or practices.

Because here are the major things we realized…

For some, fixating on the past 5, 10 years of the relationship helps - but for others, digging further and further into the past, week after week feels more frustrating and agonizing than empowering.

And because we've already experienced traditional counseling methods, personally (and know so many other couples who did, too) – we realized it wasn't the kind of approach WE needed.

We also found that learning more tactics, like skills and strategies, can be good... 

But tactics, strategies, and skills creates more scripts and transactions in relationships than provoke deeper conversations or real connection that penetrates the soul and the relationship.

The truth is...

Anyone can learn more communication skills, listen to a marriage sermon, or enjoy a weekend marriage retreat…

But without a well-thought-out roadmap that takes you through a journey of discovery and transformation using proven coaching, conversations, and exercises - with empowering accountability and measurable growth in place...

 You'll find yourself looking for answers again, because the long-lasting changes you’re looking for in your spouse and marriage are the results of a transformational experience.

We realized this most when the changes in our relationship had a direct ripple effect on every other area of our lives for the better.

Our business performance improved.

The work we did in ministry flourished.

And our connection became noticeably different – to the point that we somehow kept attracting other couples who also wanted to experience improvement in their own relationships.

Thinking nothing of it…

The little bits and pieces of suggestions we gave were making MAJOR changes in other relationships.

[That was just the beginning.]

We decided to study and take a much closer and deeper look at the relationships around us at the time, and those we grew up around.

We got more excited about learning any and everything we could about what makes a satisfying relationship and a truly fulfilling marriage.

Taking all possible weighing factors into account (cultural differences, previous relationships, age gap, older children, involved co-parents, work roles, etc.)...

We interviewed countless married people, examining their existing problems and future desires, then found and studied all the gaps...

All in attempts to find the secrets to lasting relationship breakthroughs.

[not just a few days].

After lots of attempts and refinement…

We took everything we found + the data + scriptural principles + our own experience + this new approach and, finally, built a roadmap that's helped couples [like you] address and heal from the past without having to dive too deep into it, have great communication going forward, rebuild trust, experience a genuine reconnection and an intense spark in the intimacy.

While going through this experience...

We learned that it doesn't have to take years for a married couple to experience a true transformation as a couple — when they have a specific process...

A roadmap, laid out step-by-step...

to set them on a clear path to communication without barriers, connection without resistance, and trust without walls.

The reality is most ambitious married people have similar issues when it comes to their relationship…

They want to be even more in love with one another than they were in the beginning -- but rather than working with solutions that’ll serve them long-term — they tend to settle for their current norm, surviving on inspirational messages, and "It'll get better" advice.

They want to grow individually and together to expand in all areas (spiritually, financially, interpersonally, etc.) — but they fall to their own distractions, allowing things, people, and situations to take and keep their attention from their marital happiness.

They want to feel confident in their ability to be a true example of a successful Godly marriage for their children, family, and friends — but because they’ve tried just about everything and haven’t found a better solution, they repeat their own cycles.

And over time, this only lessens their desire for one another, lessens the happiness of their family, their productivity, and ultimately takes a physical, mental, and emotional toll on them.

Because the sad truth is this…

Vacations, day trips, and date nights out are all great ways to get away from the tension and the uncomfortable environment...

But they don't address the elephants in the room or hold you accountable to breaking old habits and destructive patterns.

[No shame. We learned this personally.]

Now let us ask you this…

How would it feel to have an outlet, a safe space, with another couple that’s unbiased, and has actually been in your shoes...

To guide you through a reconnection experience, to coach you and hold you accountable to breaking old habits and thinking patterns to break the spiritual and physical barriers in your relationship, provide practical solutions, and help you grow and expand as a couple?

So you no longer have to...

-- Feel alone and divided in your own home. --

-- Put up a front at family dinners and get-togethers. --

-- Live your lives separately while under the same roof and sleeping in the same bed.-- 

-- Plan 'feel-good fixes' like trips and dates as a distraction from your issues. --

But you can instead...

Have easy-flowing communication and navigate disagreements exceptionally well?

Feel safe and secure enough to say what's on your heart and be validated, received, and accepted?

Be equally spiritually-invested?

Share your vision and be on the same page about your goals and future together?

Be fully comfortable being open, honest, and transparent about any and everything (good or bad) ?

Experience deeper intimacy
(physically + emotionally) at a higher level?

Feel focused, inspired, and motivated to fulfill your God-given purpose as individuals and a couple?

If you’re both ready to... pursue each other again, have conversations that leave you emotionally & physically aroused, enjoy a deeper connection and relationship BEYOND what you have right now…

Keep scrolling.

We have something unique that’ll do all of that!


Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program

A 3-Month Experience for Married Couples Looking to Heal the Hurt, Rebuild their Relationship, and Pursue their Purpose through a Journey of Reconnection, Discovery, and Elevation.

This multi-faceted marriage program is based on proven methods and solutions designed to:

  • Teach you the proper steps of eliminating barriers to cultivate habits that quickly diffuse confusion and attracts peace, continually.
  • Help you align your undiscovered desires into a shared vision, together, to help you build towards your desires together, faster.
  • Guide you through the stages of creating a satisfying, intimate relationship with your LOVE.
  • ​Show you how to permanently elevate your communication in a way that provokes connection and clarity around any and every topic (difficult or easy).
  • ​Guide you through specific, intimacy-inviting exercises to build deep-rooted trust, inspire authentic friendship, invite closeness.
  • ​Help you uncover and leverage what you both bring to the table to fulfill your purpose and calling together, powerfully.
  • ​Show you, step-by-step, how to make your marriage a safe + sacred space for more peace, passion, and progress (so your relationship's priority is never a question again.)

But more than this… 

You won’t have to trade another window into your problems in exchange for words of encouragement from anyone… 

Because you’ll have a Husband & Wife Team in your corner, to coach and guide you every step of the way.

NO fluff.

NO generic videos about ‘active listening’ or ‘I’ statements.

And NO biased, feedback or one-sided, hot-seat sessions.

But a well thought-out roadmap to help you both gain the understanding, implement step-by-step solutions, and engage in the conversations that will take your marriage to the next level.

So you can completely FORGET about...

[X] Watching regurgitated lessons on skills and tips.

[X] Spending agonizing hours diving deeper and deeper into the past, session after session.

[X] Getting biased, partial or one-sided opinions and feedback.

But instead feel safe knowing you’re following a step-by-step process, that helps you move forward from the past – WITHOUT having to dive too deep into it, elevate your communication and upgrade the quality of your conversations going forward, and inspire a trust that initiates genuine connection and intimacy.

The Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program is the IDEAL way to discover and understand, communicate and elevate, trust and reconnect with your LOVE, all over the course of 3 months.


Here’s a quick look at our framework:

Inside this intimate 3-month experience you get supportive and accountable Coaching based on Biblical Principles, through private 1-on-1 couple's sessions, access to an extensive marriage curriculum with video trainings + workbooks for an interactive and actionable experience, and targeted, specific individual + couple’s exercises to help you gain the foundation of your journey.

Our G.E.N.U.I.N.E. Reconnection Method™ consists of four phases, each designed to guide you through the various stages of this journey.

The G.E.N.U.I.N.E. Reconnection Method™

(4-Phases over 3 Months)

Four Phases designed to take married couples through a series of steps over 3 months course.
Four Phases designed to take married couples through a series of steps.

The GE.N.U.I.N.E. Reconnection Method™

(4-Phases over 3 Months)

Four Phases designed to take married couples through a series of steps.

The Four Phases of the G.E.N.U.I.N.E. Reconnection Method™



We start with the foundation. You are both two individual people with unique past and present life experiences that've shifted and shaped your perspectives, beliefs, thoughts, and opinions. 

In this first phase, you'll go through self and collective discoverylearn how to hold space for each other so that you always feel welcome and understood. 

Next in the phase, we focus on alignment in all areas. You have different desires, ideas, end goals - and being on the same page isn't enough. 

In this second step, you'll follow our unique Alignment Process so you no longer feel misunderstood or live in divided, separate worlds - but share a well-understood, thoroughly-discussed, overall vision.




In this next phase, we transition into connection and communication. While connection ignites genuinely throughout all four phases - in this phase, we prioritize eliminating and replacing the habits and patterns draining connection and calling division (aka divorce traps).

Following this, we upgrade the way you communicate with one another. You'll learn exactly how to have communication that creates connection vs. division and how to have conversations that make things *crystal clear*. 

Together we discuss + dissolve the past WITHOUT feeling dismissed, unheard or rejected - in a way that guides couples forward and draws them closer.  



This third phase is all about getting deep. While trust is naturally restored throughout all four phases, this is where we push for deeper, more vulnerable, emotional intimacy.

 Using our unique 5-Step framework, you'll have intimate, Naked, vulnerable conversations and exercises specific to your relationship that reveal the depths of your soul and deep mind with one another.

This process naturally builds deep-rooted trust, provokes genuine friendship, and cultivates closer, more affectionate relationship environments - increasing intimacy and more pleasurable physical connection.  



When it comes down to it, you're a team - it's time to truly operate like one. During this fourth phase, you'll learn the secrets, personal habits, and mindset shifts necessary to expand and increase spiritually, financially, and interpersonally towards your purpose and calling together. 

And lastly in this phase, together, we coach you through making your home and relationship a sacred space, where NOTHING & NO ONE can penetrate.

Discover the habits that create lasting security in your relationship - so you’ll both always feel emotionally safe, secure, and prioritized.

The Four Phases of the G.E.N.U.I.N.E. Reconnection Method™



We start with the foundation. You are both two individual people with unique past and present life experiences that've shifted and shaped your perspectives, beliefs, thoughts, and opinions.

In this first phase, you'll go through self and collective discovery + learn how to hold space for each other so that you always feel welcome and understood.

Next in the phase, we focus on alignment in all areas. You have different desires, ideas, end goals - and being on the same page isn't enough.

In this second step, you'll follow our unique Alignment Process so you no longer feel misunderstood or live in divided, separate worlds - but share a well-understood, thoroughly-discussed, overall vision.



In this next phase, we transition into connection and communication. While connection ignites genuinely throughout all four phases - in this phase, we prioritize eliminating and replacing the habits and patterns draining connection and calling division (aka divorce traps).

Following this, we upgrade the way you communicate with one another. You'll learn exactly how to have communication that creates connection vs. division and how to have conversations that make things *crystal clear*.

Together we'll discuss + dissolve the past WITHOUT feeling dismissed, unheard or rejected - in a way that guides couples forward and draws them closer.



This third phase is all about getting deep. While trust is naturally restored throughout all four phases, this is where we push for deeper, more vulnerable, emotional intimacy.

 Using our unique 5-Step framework, you'll have intimate, Naked, vulnerable conversations and exercises specific to your relationship that reveal the depths of your soul and deep mind with one another.

This process naturally builds deep-rooted trust, provokes genuine friendship, and cultivates closer, more affectionate relationship environments - increasing intimacy and more pleasurable physical  connection.  




When it comes down to it, you're a team - it's time to truly operate like one. During this fourth phase, you'll learn the secrets, personal habits, and mindset shifts necessary to expand and increase spiritually, financially, and interpersonally towards your purpose and calling together.

And lastly in this phase, together, we coach you through making your home and relationship a sacred space, where NOTHING & NO ONE can penetrate.

Discover the habits that create lasting security in your relationship - so you’ll both always feel emotionally safe, secure, and prioritized.

This 4-Phase model is a repeatable, step-by-step process to help you:

  • Discover more about one another on a personal, and spiritual level that naturally reveals each of your deeper, truer selves.
  • ​Get crystal clear and in full agreement on the vision for your future, both as individuals and a couple, by aligning every area impacting your relationship and lives.
  • Upgrade and elevate the way you communicate with, respond to, and interpret one another and the world around you. 
  • ​Heal and restore the relationship from the past and move forward together in agreement without feeling dismissed or rejected.
  • Release and remove any built up tension, barriers, mental or spiritual walls and restore the trust in your marriage.
  • Create an intimacy-inviting relationship environment through coaching, conversations, and exercises that build NAKED trust, authentic friendship and emotional security.
  • ​Uncover and leverage the traits that make you a powerful team + wisely work them in your favor.
  • ​Cultivate a nurtured environment you'll both feel safe in, desire coming back home to, and can't get enough of.

"I'm learning more about myself and the needs of my wife."

- Coaching Student


"...this one call helped me more than my last session with my Therapist."

- Coaching Student


"I've been recognizing things about myself since starting this process."

- Coaching Student



  • 12-Weeks of Transformative Marriage and Personal Coaching: Powerful, personalized relationship and personal coaching support and accountability towards your goals, expansion, and development.
  • ​CULTIVATE Marriage Upgrades Core Curriculum: Foundational, self-paced video trainings including step-by-step personal and relationship upgrades + reflective companion workbooks + tension-breaking spousal and couple’s exercises.
  • Couple's 1-on-1 Coaching Calls: Powerful, productive bi-weekly couple's 1-on-1 sessions to be guided and coached through your specific roadblocks, barriers, and challenges towards your desired relationship state.
  • ​Husband's Support & Accountability Calls: Impactful, individual 1-on-1 support and accountability calls, just for the Husband, to be coached through his own obstacles as a man and Husband - get personalized feedback and exercises to become the inspiring leader in his life and home.
  • ​​Wife's Support & Accountability Calls: Dynamic, individual 1-on-1 support and accountability calls, just for the Wife, to get guidance and coaching through her own mental blocks and challenges as a woman and Wife - receive personalized feedback and exercises to overcome limitations and embrace mental and spiritual newness.
  • Group Trainings: Live, intimate tri-monthly group classes and workshops with other couples in the program. Build relationships with other like-minded couples during the following group classes and workshops:  
  • The King's Lounge: The fellas outlet for live Husband's-Only leadership workshops and group classes. Build with other like-minded men in the program, ask questions and get answers specifically for married men.
  • ​The Ladies' Room: The ladies outlet for live Wives-Only elevating workshops and group classes. Connect with other like-minded women in the program, ask questions and get answers specifically for married women.
  • ​Couple's Workshop & Classes + Q&A: Live, couple's group trainings and classes specific to marriage and relationships. Meet and grow with other couples in the program, ask your specific questions and get additional coaching and further support.

And on top of all this…

You go through the 3-month roadmap and get everything above while getting personalized coaching, unlimited support, and positive accountability.

You have our guidance available every step of the way so you can experience a long-lasting transformation.

The Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program is the IDEAL way to discover and understand, communicate and elevate, trust and reconnect with your LOVE, all over the course of 3 months.


This program is a PERFECT fit for you if:

  • You both want more for your relationship and you want to do it through a transformational experience — you just don’t know where to start.
  • You’ve been married 5, 10, or even 15 years and have been consumed with family, business, or career — and are now ready to prioritize yourself and your relationship.
  • You're tired of quick tips and blanket advice and want to follow a proven process — but you want support and accountability as you do it.
  • ​You've tried traditional methods like counseling, and therapy — but you're looking for a more direct, empowering, coaching approach.
  • ​You want to experience a reconnection together but you want it to happen naturally and authentically without scripts or transactional strategies.

If this completely describes you and your spouse — the Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program is the experience for you!

What would it mean to you if you could…

...Enjoy smooth communication and handle disagreements exceptionally well?

...Feel completely safe and secure in your relationship, enough to express your thoughts openly, and be acknowledged, embraced, and valued?

...Share an equal level of commitment to spiritual and personal growth?

Align your ideal futures together to unify your goals and desires?

...Feel comfortable letting each other in, openly and honestly, without hesitation, regardless of the conversation?

...Enjoy deeper intimacy, both physically and emotionally?

...Feel inspired, motivated, and driven every day about fulfilling your individual and collective God-given purposes?

This is your opportunity to trade in all those buried wants and desires for a new reality — through the Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program!

Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program

  12 Weeks of Transformative Marriage and Personal Coaching
  CULTIVATE Marriage Upgrades Core Curriculum of Video Trainings + Companion Workbooks + Spousal + Couple’s Exercises
 Couple's Bi-Weekly Private 1-on-1 Support & Accountability Coaching Calls
 Husband's Private 1-on-1 Support & Accountability Coaching Calls
 Wife's Private 1-on-1 Support & Accountability Coaching Calls
 The King's Lounge Monthly Husbands-Only Trainings
 The Ladies Room Monthly Wives-Only Trainings
 Couple's Live Workshop & Classes + Q&A Sessions


RIGHT NOW: $3197

RIGHT NOW: $2,700

($1,000 OFF Expires January 5, 2024)
*Payment & Financing Options Available*


When you enroll into the Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program, you get these BONUSES:


When you enroll into the Cultivate Your Perfect Relationship Marriage Program, you get these BONUSES:



Private 1-on-1 Intimacy Consultation with Expert Sexpert Coach

Get sexy, in the mood, and aroused with your LOVE again! Not only are you doing the personal and relationship work for more intimacy, but meet with a Sexpert Coach who specializes in physical pleasures, increasing libido, and sexual confidence.


3 Months of UNLIMITED Daily Support: Your Personal Group Chat

Ask questions, get feedback, and access support from your coaches - EVERYDAY

Immediately get access to your personal Couple's Chat together with your coaches for daily support in between sessions and coaching calls. Perfect for in the moment coaching, mediation, and feedback.


The Better Husbands & Better Wives Mini-Course BUNDLE

Get access to this exclusive husbands and wives mini-course. Discover some of the least talked-about secrets to becoming the partners you both truly desire and deserve.

Husband's and Wives' Workbook & Guides Included.



Private 1-on-1 Intimacy Consultation with Expert Sexpert Coach

Get sexy, in the mood, and aroused with your LOVE again! Not only are you doing the personal and relationship work for more intimacy, but meet with a Sexpert Coach who specializes in physical pleasures, increasing libido, and sexual confidence.


3 Months of UNLIMITED Daily Support: Your Personal Group Chat

Ask questions, get feedback, and access support from your coaches - EVERYDAY

Immediately get access to your personal Couple's Chat together with your coaches for daily support in between sessions and coaching calls. Perfect for in the moment coaching, mediation, and feedback.


The Better Husbands & Better Wives Mini-Course BUNDLE

Get access to this exclusive husbands and wives mini-course. Discover some of the least talked-about secrets to becoming the partners you both truly desire and deserve.

Husband's and Wives' Workbook & Guides Included.

It’s time to stop settling and playing small with your marriage's future 

[when you both know you’re called for more]

and elevate into the couple and people the Most High God has called you to be.

Enough settling for the way things are. It’s time to overcome your past, rebuild your foundation, and get aligned for a fulfilling relationship future.

"You guys are the cheat code!"

- Coaching Student


"I appreciate the uncut and direct approach yall take with ur coaching. We need that."

- Coaching Student


"Having someone outside the family or just outside of who we know helping understand our issues better is amazing! "

- Coaching Student


"I really enjoy working with you guys. I love that you both create opportunities to work on ourselves and the marriage independently."

- Coaching Student


Meet your Coaches

Tazadaq & Zakah

Marriage Coaches

Meet your Coaches

Peace and Blessings!

We’re Tazadaq and Zakah, Certified Marriage & Relationship Coaches.

We're dedicated to helping goal-driven couples married 5, 10, even 15 years - recover from neglected, unhappy relationships, to start fresh, rediscover one another, and experience a genuine reconnection.

After experiencing and overcoming challenges early on in our own relationship, we've become obsessed with communication, connection, and trust.

Together, we have a blended family of 5 children (5 - 27 years of age). We’re entrepreneurs and business owners, coming from full-time work, co-parenting and step-parenting.

We've infused our research, studies, and personal experiences into creating a proven process that helps married couples cultivate the relationship they both deeply desire, and completely deserve.




Meet some of the couples we've worked with directly & kind words from others who've experienced us personally.